Light curves are measurements of brightness as a function of time. And with this, we can know the radius of our exoplanet, in my case, EPIC 249893012 c. Here we can see some exoplanets that we can found in my constellation Libra.
HD 134987 b
EPIC 249893012 c
K2-317 b
EPIC 249893012 c (Radius)
I focus on this one, that it is in Libra’s Constellation. As we can see, this planet is in (228.2482353,-16.7246474). We want to calculate its radius, and for this we have to follow a simple formula:
R⊕ = √(1-o,9588136)·Rs^2
Light curve of EPIC 249893012 c in his system, we can see the variation of the star's brightness
This is equivalent to 0.3668. And in this article (by NASA ADS and EDP Sciences Database): Astronomy and Astrophysiscs
And there says that exoplanet EPIC 249893012 c has an R⊕ =3.67. And if my result it’s multiplicate by 10 it’s the same result, and it’s because we operate in base of 1.